Wrestling Coach Gifts Where Can I Find Wrestling Shoes For A Infant Or Toddler?

Where can i find wrestling shoes for a infant or toddler? - wrestling coach gifts

My son is a high school wrestling coach and he and his wife are expecting their first child in July and we just learned that a little boy. My son has always said that if your child is fighting the shoes on his feet before he goes. I thought it would be a good gift to give, only that I can not find anything, so small that someone knows where I go? My son was a wrestler, and I always thought it was a cute idea. Help?


me&2kids said...

Not sure, but you can try or Bobux Robeez. Or you could buy a nice pair of white socks and paintings on canvas and paint a pair of socks, wrestling shoes. Good luck!

momat35 said...

this is cute, try a clothing store, except maybe abroad, or you may have until May to send to a shoe repair shop, is a # store.here Intenational for a factory
International call: (360) 482-6560

It's just me said...

Hmmm, no shoes Startup Search sorta like Converse shoes?
http://www.shoes.com/product.asp?p=50162 ...
Does it work?

I also doubt the manufacturers of shoes baby boot someone real. Not a big market for them!

itshotin... said...

First, we need not first the shoes of a baby before you walk. I do not know why people do it! They must learn to walk without shoes, is best for the development of their feet! Before you go, do not want your feet, limit in any shoe!
If you find that a sock a wrestling shoe that may also be fun imitated. It would probably be easier to find. Look for people who crochet and knit, perhaps you can do something for you.

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